raven song

February 15, 2011

God bless you said the Muslim cab driver

Filed under: Islam, new dreaming, prison chaplain — Tags: , , , , , , — raven song @ 4:17 pm

harmonic call to unity imagecab driver

I came out of the Sydney recital concert last Saturday night, into a crowd of young people queuing up to attend a night club, the different dances of the city. Hailed a cab. Cabbie asked where have you been. A wonderful  concert, Islamic singers, singing the call to prayer and the Koran, Tasawul band and singer, Sufi dancers, Gregorian chants, medieval music ——– and a wonderful diversity in the audience, Muslim women in head scarves, young men from the Auburn Mosque, Turks, Lebanese and heaps of non Muslims.  Cabbie – sounds great, I am a Lebanese Muslim you don’t often hear about this sort of thing happening, I feel good hearing you talk about it. I went on, I am a Buddhist prison chaplain and work closely with a Muslim chaplain in a maximum security prison. True spirituality should unite everyone, include all there is no excuse not to. I drove up to the concert from the country and was so glad I did. As I got out the cab driver said ‘God bless you’ – made my day – made his as well. So thanks to Islamic realm for organising the concert, the cab driver loved it, even though he was not there.

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